On Tue, 2004-02-24 at 12:23, Richard Crawford wrote:
I know you are not supposed to, but try casting sFirst etc to varchar
(not varchar2) just to see if that fixes the unknown type problem.

... still looking...

> Rob Rohan wrote:
> > That just passes along the problem from the driver/database it cant tell
> > you the line number of the stored proc if it was not given
> Here is the revised SP in Oracle:
> ================================================================
> CREATE OR REPLACE procedure dlc_sp_getStudentInfo (
>    studentID IN int,
> studentInfo in out types.cursorType
> )
> as
> type studentCursor is ref cursor;
> --studentInfo studentCursor;
> xID int;
> xName varchar2(255);
> xURL varchar2(255);
> nID int;
> nNumber int;
> nGrdRoster int;
> lStartDate date;
> lEndDate date;
> iID int;
> iFirst varchar2(50);
> iLast varchar2(50);
> zero int := 0;
>    userLast varchar2(50);
> rowcount int;
> nextQ int;
> annID int;
> error int := 0;
> sID int;
> v_login varchar2(500);
> sFirst varchar2(50);
> sLast varchar2(50);
> sOrient varchar2(5);
> begin
> open studentInfo for
> -- Part One: get student name, etc., and whether they've done the
> orientation
> select
> sFirst,
> sLast,
> sOrient
> from
> tblStudentInfo
> where
> sid = studentID;
> fetch studentInfo into sFirst, sLast, sOrient;
> close studentInfo;
> -- Part Two: get their other class info.
> /*
> select
> x.xID,
> x.xName,
> x.xURL,
> n.nID,
> n.nNumber,
> n.nGrdRoster,
> r.lStartDate,
> r.lEndDate,
> n.iID,
> i.iFirst,
> i.iLast,
> 0,
> u.usrLast
> into
> xID, xName, xURL, nID, nNumber, nGrdRoster, lStartDate, lEndDate, iID,
> iFirst, iLast, zero,
> userLast
> from
>    tblCourses x,
>    tblRoster r,
>    tblSections n,
>    tblInstructors i,
>    tblUser u
> where
>    x.xID = n.xID and
>    r.nID = n.nID and
>    r.sID = studentID and
>    n.iID = i.iID and
>    r.lStartDate < current_date and
>    u.usrID = studentID;
> */
> end;
> /
> ================================================================
> And the accompanying CFSTOREDPROC call in CF:
> ================================================================
> <cfstoredproc datasource="DLCampus" procedure="dlc_sp_getStudentInfo">
> <cfprocparam type="in" value="#cookieID#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer">
> <cfprocresult name="getName">
> <!--- <cfprocresult name="getInfo" resultSet=2> --->
> </cfstoredproc>
> >
> >
> >> The offending line that the CF
> >>processor shows has nothing to do with SP's, of course (in fact, it's a
> >>comment line).  
> >
> > its talking about the <cfproc call, probably near the comment. Sometimes
> > it points before sometimes after, but generally near the query/proc
> > call. In other words, its telling you were cf made the proc call not
> > where the proc errored.
> >
> >

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