-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Crawford
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 4:12 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Cold Fusion and Oracle Stored Procedures

> > Can you run your procedure directly in Oracle?

> It compiles just dandy.

But what happens when you run it?  Do you get the results you'd expect?  I
guess what I'm asking is, are you certain that the problem exists between
ColdFusion and Oracle, instead of just in your stored proc?  I'm afraid I
don't know how to run a stored proc from the command line and check that
your cursor has what you expect in it.  I use SQL Navigator to do that.  

It seems like you've made progress with your problem since yesterday, but
have you ever gotten results back correctly in ColdFusion from Oracle yet?
If so, great!  If not, I'd suggest writing a very simple proc to get your
feet wet.  Something like

     (p_ref OUT myrefcursor,
     p_status OUT NUMBER)
    p_status := 0;

    OPEN p_ref FOR
        select * from tblCourses;
    p_status := SQLCODE;
END test;
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