eloquently stated erik.  I couldn't agree more.  why fight the
tide...its wasted


r e v o l u t i o n w e b d e s i g n

its only looks good to those who can see bad as well

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Yowell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 10:38 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Browser wars (was Re: Can someone recommend a good web
development browser?)

My 2 cents - when typically designing for john q. public, I usually hit
something like thecounter.com:


I figure that 35 million (w/ 95% saturation) is a good enough of a
statistical number to warrant using IE as my dev browser and greatest
common factor of presentation, but hey - that's just me.

Erik Yowell



-----Original Message-----
From: Rob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 4:21 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: Browser wars (was Re: Can someone recommend a good web
development browser?)

On Thu, 2004-03-04 at 15:53, Richard Crawford wrote:
> > While I prefer the Mozilla browsers and Opera technically, I find I
> > end up coming back to IE just because I have to make sure the site
works for
> > my 90%+ userbase. If I were to just spot test in IE I would miss
> > that I don't explicitly test for.

The stats for my main public site are:

68.05% Micro$oft Internet Exploder
25.53% Netscape
REST  : google/opera and other things

Thats a far cry from 90%. You're probably talking about your site - but
I was wondering what others are getting in their logs? Whats the general
take on the browser (cold) war?

The news lies - The logs don't ... often


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