Thank you for that clear explanation. I was scratching my head at this code... :-)

At 06:38 PM 8/9/00 -0400, Dave Watts wrote:
>> > Put this code in your application.cfm file. It will kill the session
>> > variables when the user closes the browser:
>> >
>> > <!--- if the user closes their browser, make sure all sesion
>> > variables get
>> > killed --->
>> > <cfif IsDefined("Cookie.CFID") AND IsDefined("Cookie.CFTOKEN")>
>> >   <cfset cfid_local = Cookie.CFID>
>> >   <cfset cftoken_local = Cookie.CFTOKEN>
>> >   <cfcookie name="CFID" value="#cfid_local#">
>> >   <cfcookie name="CFTOKEN" value="#cftoken_local#">
>> > </cfif>
>> I don't think this will do what we are hoping it will. It looks to
>> me as if all it's doing is testing to see if the session is open,
>> if it is it's reading the values from the cookies and then putting
>> them back in I completely off the mark here??
>The above code is overwriting the cookies that CF automatically creates,
>which are persistent beyond the life of the browser instance, with cookies
>that will be destroyed when the browser is closed. Thus, when a user closes
>the browser, they destroy their link to the session variables on the server,
>effectively ending their session.
>Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
>voice: (202) 797-5496
>fax: (202) 797-5444
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