Yep.  Aqua Data is like Enterprise Manager, but with the ability to talk to a
wide variety of dbs.  Of course, since it's not MS-specific, it doesn't have all
the bells and whistles of EM, but it's the best thing out there if you have to
deal with more than one brand of db.

- Jeff

On 10 Mar 2004 at 12:12, Matt Liotta wrote:

> Most databases have associated GUI tools that have way more power than
> DWMX ever will. For example, I have never used a more powerful GUI for
> use with SQL Server than Enterprise Manager. Most people are amazed
> when I show them some of the things it can do that they were relying on
> DWMX or Access for.
> -Matt
> On Mar 10, 2004, at 11:11 AM, David Berry wrote:
> > very interesting.. Altought I do code by hand I also
> >  sometimes find the feature in the binding panels very handy
> >  to use.  I have also posted this on the blueDragon list so
> >  see what there response is.
> >
> >  >   We have DW and CFMX, but our server guys have
> >  >   disabled RDS for security
> >  >   reasons. So it's not just BlueDragon users in this
> >  >   boat.
> >  >
> >  >   We write our own code.
> >  >
> >  >   -Kevin
> >  davidBerry
> >  BerryNet Design
> >  Cell: 517-204-5454
> >  
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