Assuming you use IE (as Integrated Windows Authentication (AFAIK) only works
on IE) then IE will try to send your currently logged in username and
password to the server.  If the server doesnt find a match for this then it
sends back to the browser a login failure which then prompts IE to prompt
the user for their details.

Does the webserver have details about you in the PDC or in its user db?


-----Original Message-----
From: Bushy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 17:53
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Grabbing username account from Windows login screen

ok...but whats weird is I UNCHECKED the Anonymous access and CHECKED the
Integrated Windows authentication and when I go the the website I still get
prompted for a username/password
via NT authentication.


--Original Message Text---
From: Ian Skinner
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 08:52:27 -0800

First if all, it is very important that Anonymous access is UNCHECKED and
Integrated Windows authentication is CHECKED in the Authentication Methods
under Directory Security of any website
(or directory or file) that one wants to get user information from.

----- Logining in a user to our intranet -----
<!--- Check Login  --->
  component = "NTSecurity"
  method = "getUserGroups"
  domain = "#ListFirst(cgi.AUTH_USER,'\')#"
  userid = "#ListLast(cgi.AUTH_USER,'\')#"
  returnvariable = "GetUsers">

  roles="#replace(GetUsers,' ','','ALL')#">

This gets the user information from cgi.Auth_User and uses it in the
NTSecurity CFC from Macromedia to get their user groups from Active
Directory.  We then provide different access and
permissions to various sections of our intranet site based on these roles.

Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA

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