If the db is MS-SQL or Sybase, you could possibly do this with T/SQL

But, sooner or later the db needs to be normalized:

a separate table for comments -- something like this

CommentID                  Integer Primary Key,
MainTableID                Integer References MainTable(MainTableID)
CommentDateTime     DateTime,
Comment                      Text (or varchar)

With this structure, you let SQL do its thing -- and doing what you are
trying to do is fast, simple and efficient!

The sooner you do this the better -- before you propagate convoluted
work-arounds to (bad, bad) db design throughout your applications



On Mar 31, 2004, at 10:02 AM, Deanna Schneider wrote:

> So, you're saying all the comments are just in one big text field? And
> that
>  you want to get the first comment in that big text field? Is that
> accurate?
>  (It's horrible DB design, btw.)
>  If so, you should be able to do this:
>  <cfsavecontent variable="comments">
>  *** 13/01/2003  09:47:06  TUser1 ***
>  callno:1126
>  Some comment1
>  *** 13/01/2003  08:30:27  TUser2 ***
>  Some Comment2
>  </cfsavecontent>
>  <cfoutput>
>  *** #listgetat(comments, 2, "***")# ***<br>
>  #listgetat(comments, 3, "***")#
>  </cfoutput>
>  Ugly ugly, though.
>  ----- Original Message -----
>  From: "cf coder"
>  > Hi Guys,
>  >
>  > I'm strugging to display the data correctly from the
>  > comment column in the database and need your help. I
>  > want to display the top most comment from the comments
>  > table. Here is an example. In the example below there
>  > are 2 comments
>  >
>  > *** 13/01/2003  09:47:06  TUser1 ***
>  > callno:1126
>  > Some comment1
>  >
>  > *** 13/01/2003  08:30:27  TUser2 ***
>  > Some Comment2
>  >
>  > I want to display the TOP most comment. In this case
>  >
>  > *** 13/01/2003  09:47:06  TUser1 ***
>  > callno:1126
>  > Some comment1
>  >
>  > All comments have the ***, date time and user
>  > information
>  > "*** 13/01/2003  09:47:06  TUser1 ***"
>  >
>  > I would really apprecaite your help.
>  > Best Regards,
>  > cfcoder
>  >
>  >
>  > __________________________________
>  > Do you Yahoo!?
>  > Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.
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