Why NOT just use the JDBC Driver that comes with Oracle Or
the one that comes with CFMX. The JDBC driver is much more
stable and faster... from tests i did a while ago.

Joe Eugene
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Jim Watkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2004 12:58 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Help! can't get Oracle connection

  I have installed CF 6.1 professional on Win 2003 and installed the Oracle
  client.  Created the TNS names file and datasource.   Used the MS ODBC
  Source Administrator on Win2003 and created the Oracle ODBC Driver
  Configuration and tested connection good.  My problem:

  The Oracle datasource does not show up in the CF Administrator Datasource
  page like it did with CF 5 in the Connected Datasources panel.

  Any help would be appreciated.

  Jim Watkins
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