Which version of Oracle are you running -- what I did for Oracle 9.2 is download the ORA92 ODBC driver from Oracle (the one with CFMX is for Oracle 8  I believe) and installed it.

Next I went to the Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Data Sources (ODBC).
In this screen click on the System DSN tab and pres the <Add> button. Then scroll down to the entry that should say "Oracle in OraHome92" -- the fill out the fields on "Oracle ODBC Driver Configuration" screen and press the "Test Connection" button -- if you got the entries right, then the connection should test out okay.

With the test connection working, you can then go to CFMX Admin and the DNS will appear in the list ready to use.

As least that is what I recall happened to me a couple of months ago when I installed in on my laptop...
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