There are some problems with what you're trying to accomplish here.  In our SLAs for aDSL/sDSL that we give to our subscribers, speed is measured from the DSLAM in the telco CO to the end users router - at least this is where the speed guarantee is.  

Anything past the DSLAM and you're data is on the CLEC or ILEC ATM network (i.e. Covad, Verizon) to get the data to your ISP.

Once it leaves the ATM network it goes into your ISPs POP, where it's routed through their internet connection(s) to the rest of the world.

So if you're experiencing poor speed, then it could be at any 1 of those 3 points.

You also have to consider that if you're measuring speed every 15 minutes, if anyone else in your company is using the DSL for anything, then it's going to make your speed test show an false slower speed.

Also, using a single speed test can give false results since anything could be happening on the internet between you and the speed test servers (i.e. too many people speed testing, DoS attack somewhere, hardware failure forcing traffic onto backup routes etc.).

By far the best way to get data on this is through the use of SNMP and MRTG or Cricket.  This will keep a relativley constant log of your bandwidth usage throughout the day.  If you're paying for 1.5M ADSL and you NEVER see it above 500k, then there's an issue.

Also note that ADSL speeds are always sold as "up to".  We've been dealing with CLEC and ILEC ADSL for 6 years and I've never seen a guarantee of speed given at the max advertised speed for ADSL.  For SDSL, we do gurarantee the bandwidth to be at 99.90% of the rated speed.

While I appreciate your post, it has left me WAY confused.

First off, I am trying to get a fairly reliable DSL speed number for
different parts of the day.  I want to have a aggregate list of speeds that
I can then give to my boss.  I also don't want to have to do this by hand,
going to a bandwidth meter site every 15 minutes.  I have tried to cfhttp
these various sites, but there is a redirect in the page usually, so that
is obviously not going to work.

I am interested in the second long paragraph below.  CLI?  What is that?  I
am not a Network guy, so I apologize if this is common knowledge...
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