I wrote:

> How do I get a file's size from the server?
> Is CFDIRECTORY with the List action the way to do it, or is there a more
> efficient/direct way to get a file's size?

To clarify, I'm trying to get a list of file sizes from the server (not
after they've been uploaded by the user). Using CFDIRECTORY and CFLOOP, I
could get a list of results into an array, but it seems rather inefficient.

Also tried using CFFILE:

<cfset thisDir=getDirectoryFromPath(expandPath("*.*"))>
<cfset f=thisDir&"tmpfile.dcr">
<cfoutput>The file path is: #f#</cfoutput><br>
<cffile action="READBINARY" file="#f#" variable="binObj">
The file size is: <cfoutput>#File.FileSize#</cfoutput><br>

... but got the following error:

An error occurred while evaluating the expression:
Error near line 31, column 30.
Error resolving parameter FILE.FILESIZE
Before you can access any file status variables you must execute at least
one CFFILE tag.

Anyone know what's going on here? The FileSize status variable of the File
object should work with all CFFILE operations, no?

Dave Yang - Quantumwave Interactive Inc.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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