
There's a good (IHMO) ramp-up article in MXDJ (vol 2 issue 4)
( - I can't find the exact link to the article) )
entitled FlashFusion that describes how to consume webservices based
around SOAP. A short comparison to Remoting is included as well.



On Apr 13, 2004, at 12:06 PM, Chris Alvarado wrote:)
> Hello all,
>  I am starting a new project that will require some fairly heavy Flash

> /
>  CF integration including but not limited to: visual display of data
>  stored in a database, insertion of data into a database supplied in
>  Flash forms, a complete security model that requires not only
>  authentication but user level access restrictions (role based model).

> I
>  just ready the article on Macromedia DevNet about the various options
>  for developing RIAs (Remoting, Web Services, XML) and am having a bit

> of
>  a hard time deciding which route to pursue. Are there any RIA
>  mailing lists etc that anyone can recommend. Additionally can anyone
>  here point me in the right direction? I am a complete rookie when it
>  comes to Flash but have nearly 7years of CF experience so the CF
>  concepts are easy to grasp for me, im just sort of a bit inundated
> with
>  the Flash portion. If anyone has any suggestions on where to get
> started
>  they would be greatly appreciated. I picked up "Macromedia Flash MX
>  Profession 2004 for Server Geeks" and it seems like an excellent
>  but if anyone has any other suggestions that would fit well within
>  project described above I would really appreciate it.
>  Thanks everyone,
>  Looking forward to seeing any feedback.
>  -chris.alvarado
>  [ application developer ]
>  4 Guys Interactive, Inc.
>  281.807.4344 x1716
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