I don't know if this will help you or not.  I have a calendar application that uses this script/

<!--- Set Date parameters used in the where clause of the query --->
firstOfMonth = CreateDate(year,month,1);
endOfMonth = CreateDate(year,month,DaysInMonth(firstOfMonth));
startday = 2; //1=Sunday, 2=Monday, ..., 7=Saturday

//calculate first day of calendar display.
daynum = DayOfWeek(firstOfMonth);
if (daynum - (startday - 1) LT 1)
  offset = 7 + (daynum - (startday - 1));
  offset = (daynum - (startday - 1));
firstDay = DateAdd("d",-(offset-1),firstOfMonth);

//calculate last day of calendar dispay
daynum = DayOfWeek(endOfMonth);
if (daynum - (startday - 1) LT 1)
  offset = -(daynum - (startday - 1));
  offset = 7 - (daynum - (startday - 1));
lastDay = DateAdd("d",offset,endOfMonth);

Now this does not display blanks at the beginning and end.  It displays records for the days of the previous month and next month.  For example:
This month it goes: Mon Apr 26|Tue Apr 27|Wed Apr 28|Thu Apr 29|Fri Apr 30|Sat May 1{Sun May 2


Mon May 31|Tue Jun 1|Wed Jun 2|Thu Jun 3|Fri Jun 4|Sat Jun 5|Sun Jun 6


Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA

"C code. C code run. Run code run. Please!"
     - Cynthia Dunning

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