Thanks to everyone who replied.  I learned alot looking these over.  I ended up using Charlies.  It's really nice looking and easily modified.  
I had a couple of questions and comments about it.

- it uses structKeyExists.  I'm unfamilar with the term struct.  Does that indicate a complex data type, like an object?

- I hadn't seen 'writeOutput()' before.  I guess that's only for in-line cfscripts. I hadn't seen those before either.  It looks nice without all the cfifs and just ifs.

- Is the var variables a cf owned (built-in) term or is it just a var that you created here?  I don't see it defined before it has attributes added (ie variables.current_date).

- I had some trouble grabbing the code off the web page.  DW ignored all the spaces and it became one long sentence.   I then tried to reformat it, causing some problems.  I'm not complaining cause it saved me a bunch of time and looks really cool, but it might be nice to offer it as a linked, file download.

Again, thanks for all the replies and the great calendar.

>I'm writing an event calendar:
>I need to determine the day numbering.  It would seem that I need the
>number of days in the month and the DAY that 'day1' begins on (thurs,
>fri, etc.) so I can fill the predecessors with blanks.  I'll also
>need to determine this for future/other months.
>I guess I'll need to determine the DAY for each date too, so I can
>designate them with a 'weekend' color.
>Are there possibly general calendar tutorials that would use the same
>Am I missing anything else?
>Daniel Kessler
>Department of Public and Community Health
>University of Maryland
>Suite 2387 Valley Drive
>College Park, MD  20742-2611
>301-405-2545 Phone
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