> - it uses structKeyExists.  I'm unfamilar with the term
> struct.  Does that indicate a complex data type, like an object?

Functions that start with Struct...() manipulate structures. This is a
complex datatype in CF (associative array or "object without methods")

> - I hadn't seen 'writeOutput()' before.  I guess that's only
> for in-line cfscripts. I hadn't seen those before either.  It
> looks nice without all the cfifs and just ifs.

<cfscript> is for the CF scripting language. You need the
'WriteOutput()' function to output to the page when using cfscript.

> - Is the var variables a cf owned (built-in) term or is it
> just a var that you created here?  I don't see it defined
> before it has attributes added (ie variables.current_date).

variables is the prefix of the page's local variable scope (like
'request', 'session', 'application', ...). In CFMX this is a built in
structure. You should always use the prefixes when referencing variables
(if they have one).

Pascal Peters
Certified ColdFusion MX Advanced Developer
Macromedia Certified Instructor
LR Technologies
Av. E. De Mot, 19
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