On another forum, a user asked how to turn this string:

FirstName LastName <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

into this string:


I was able to come up with:

<cfset email = reReplace(left(email, len(email)-1), '(^.*<)', '', 'all')>

I feel a little cheesy using the left() function to remove that last
bracket, as I'm sure there must have been a way within the same regex.

I tried a variety of things, such as adding .$ and even the literal > to the
_expression_ above, but I assume that means it was looking for that _expression_
as an _expression_ itself.  But there has to be a way to say, replace (this
exp) AND (that exp)?  or would it just be a case of nesting reReplace()

-still trying to get a handle on regex
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