At work a couple of weeks ago the Manager of IT was informed that he
has a new boss as Directory of IT, to better set strategic direction
and "bridge the gap between IT and the user community". One of the new
strategic directions is towards Java/J2EE/JSP. We've been having some
serious memory leaks with JRun/CFMX J2EE/Linux that have been locking
up our servers about once a month. (It was once every two weeks, so IT
decided to throw RAM, about 4.5GB per server, at the problem.) The new
guy comes from a major web hosting shop and has some poor opinions of
CF (I don't know what versions he has experience with). Rather than
isolate the issue to CFMX or the underlying J2EE server, he's decided
to switch major directions. While I am predicting that soon I will be
moved from Marketing (back) into IT due to my role, I don't have the
political will/pull to question his move, all I can really do is brush
off my Java skills and roll with the punches.

The question (I'm sure you were wondering) is how usable is Fusebox in
JSP? I'd rather not go back to Struts, although I may not have a
choice. FB just makes more sense to me than Struts. I know there are
other frameworks (Velocity, Tapestry) - can someone make a comparison
between them and the way FB works? Is there anyone working one Mach-II
for Java?

It's possible I'm leaping to conclusions. I'd be happy moving data
access to an EJB middle tier and keeping the user interface in CF but
I'm betting the new guy won't like that.

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