Rather than using #cleanpathinfo# (which is generated by SESconverter for its internal use) you would be better off using the cgi variables directly, on IIS a combination of cgi.PATH_INFO and cgi.query_string.
The "cleanpathinfo" is used internally by SESconverter, and in hindsight it should be destroyed by SESconvert.cfm once it has served its purpose.

I've just had a quick look and it seems that when there are no SES type parameters then cleanpathinfo is set to the current template path, which isn't a problem, unlees you are relying on it, which you shouldn't be...


From: Bailey, Neal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 05 May 2004 15:31
To: CF-Talk
Subject: URL Path ?

Hey guys...

I am trying to find a better way to grab the landing page URL....To be more
specific I have a bot/spider tracker I built a long time ago and I want to
update the way it tracks the pages it hits.

Currently I use this:


I am also using the SEO safe urls app from  www.fusium.com

I need to be able to log the entire url with variable strings and all.

It works for the most part but sometimes it shows likes like
www.mysite.com/index.cfm/index.cfm and things like this.

Is there an easer better way to grab the url path shown in the browser at
the time the bot/spider hits the page.


Neal Bailey
Internet Marketing Manager
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