>We put out a new release of our web-application and have been having
>server problems problems ever since.  All will run fine and then all of
>a sudden running requests will start creeping up and then CFMX hangs --
>about every 4/6ish hours.  Before the new release the most problems we
>would ever have was database locks and we could either wait for the
>database lock to finish or kill it -- none of this has been database
>locks.  Majority of the time both boxes (2 web servers hardware
>loadbalanced) will be using up about 700ish meg of ram (both have 1 gig
>of ram) when they are hung.  We tried even running CFMX from a command
>line to get a java stack trace when it hangs, but it never would create
>a dump of the stack trace for us even -- toooo hung I am assuming.
>Then this past week for a solid hour the running requests would keep
>running up to the max (25/box) and then would hang -- all we could do
>was continually restart the service which we did about 20 times on both
>boxes -- we tried rebooting in the middle of all this as well which
>didn't help either.  The weird thing was after about an hour it all went
>back to the 4/6ish hour hand routine.
>Any ideas on what could be causing the hangs?  Since the new release
>used CFC's heavily could this be causing any of the issues?  Any ideas
>on better ways to trace/debug it?
>Here are the details on our setup (all software is fully patched):
>     2 hardware loadbalanced webservers running Win2K with CFMX 6.1 with
>an Apache webserver (2.046)
>     Seperate box running MS SQL Server
>     Approximate traffic is 12K to 15K unique visitors/day

We had similar problems that were resolved by reverting the 6.1 database
drivers to the 6.0+ version available at the related TechNote
Unfortunately, MM has removed the 6.0+ drivers in that TechNote and replaced
the download to point to the new DataDirect 3.3 drivers. Perhaps you'll have
luck with those, but we continued to have problems, so we're still on the
6.0+ drivers.

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