
Custom class loader.  Use a custom class loader with the factory pattern to
instantiate all of the Java classes.  It means you'll only ever use the
createObject once - to load the custom class loader/factor.  After that you
use the factory's create method to load a Java class.

You can get a start on it here:


-----Original Message-----
From: Trevor Holm-Laursen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 2:20 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Java and CF

Hi All,

We have numerous clients that we have developed sites for where there has
been times when a java solution may have been easier then what we did but
they are all in shared hosting environments.  Is there any way to write java
classes, compile them and place them in the clients webroot, and call them
without the class being in CF's classpath?

Trevor Holm-Laursen

eBusiness Developer, FCS

Direct:  (902)463-5953

FCS (Fundy Computer Services Ltd.)

Tel 877-993-8636

Fax 902-484-5887


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