> *yawn*  here we go again -- dancing in semantics land with
> Matt. Note my use of quotes (I guess not) -- in any event...

The problem with your dancing lesson is that Matt is absolutely correct in
his insistence on semantic accuracy in this case, because it matters. You're
stepping on his toes!

> If Sun abandoned Java or Microsoft abandoned c# what would
> happen to the language??  There is no formal evolution of
> either language at this time except through the say-so of its
> corporate sponsor. The presence of a standard (even defacto
> ones ;) does not constitute an absence of proprietary'ness.

If Sun disappeared from the face of the earth tomorrow, Java would continue.
There are simply too many people invested in its existence, such as a li'l
company called International Business Machines, or something like that. The
only difference is that Java would no longer be controlled by Sun. I don't
know who would control it, but that's irrelevant - it would likely remain
one of the leading web application development environments.

C# is a little different, because it's comparatively new. However, as time
passes, I suspect you'll see similar investments in C# and the .NET
Framework, to the degree that the same situation would exist as with Java.

Comparing Java with PHP is absurd - there's no corporate buy-in for PHP,
unlike Java. In my own experience at least, PHP appears to be primarily used
by freelancers and people working on small sites on their own. I wouldn't be
surprised if for every PHP developer doing mainstream corporate/enterprise
work, there were 100 Java web app developers. I know there are exceptions -
no matter what language you pick, you can find some big project that uses it
- but those are the exceptions, not the rule.

If I've learned nothing else from the Internet, it's that standards do
matter with technology adoption.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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