> Well if the semantics matter.... who owns the patent and/or
> trademark for Java, C#?? Cos you see, if someone owns a
> patent/trademark on something then that patent/trademark is
> the very definition of proprietary in the dictionary. It has
> little if anything to do with standards; real, imagined or
> de-facto.

I doubt that anyone owns a patent on "Java", as such. What is Java? It's a
programming language, a virtual machine, a set of class libraries, etc. It's
not simply one patentable item. The plain fact is, plenty of companies
create JVMs and bytecode compilers, not just Sun. Again, if Sun disappeared
tomorrow, Java would continue to be used as it is today. Perhaps future
versions would fork, perhaps not.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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