You can try a few things.  First, you can turn up the spooler frequency in
the CFADMIN to 90 or 120 (or more) seconds.  This will space the bursts
further apart, but if your problem is during one burst, then this might not

You can also set up a "relay" SMTP server as an inbetween from CF to your
final SMTP destination.  This could be as easy as enabling local relay of
SMTP mail via IIS's SMTP service (if you are on windows).  Just enable IIS's
SMTP service, make sure to restrict relay only to localhost, and set all
mail to relay directly from the SMTP service to your "real" SMTP server.
This will let CF send the mail out fast and then let the go-between buffer
the load.

Alternately, you could also create the CFMAIL messages in smaller batches.
Create a scheduled event to send them 500 messages at a time (or whatever
rate you choose).  CFMX appears to send a percentage of the mail in the
queue, so the more in the queue at once, the more in one single batch.  You
can find more info about "despooling" speed at a blog post I made about it
back in April:


Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc.
land:  858.509.3098
cell:  678.637.5072
aim:   cameroncf

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark W. Breneman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 8:20 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Slow Down CFmail?

This may sound like an odd request but, here goes anyway.  Is there a way I
can slow down the mail queue on CFMX? Not a lot just a little.

I have a mail server that is seemingly not able to handle the burst load
that the CFmail queue puts on it.  The server does not go down hard but, it
will ignore all requests for a few seconds.  It *looks* like these ignored
requests causes CF to put messages in to the undeliverable folder.

One of our clients will send out his mail list that has no more then 5K
members and most of the messages will go out, but a few will get stuck and
the mail log will have several (10 or 11) "Could not connect to SMTP host"

I know that I could build a script that would put the messages back into the
spool folder, but I am hoping to find another way.

Oh, and changing mail servers right now is not an option.

Thoughts, advice?

Mark W. Breneman
-Cold Fusion Developer
-Network Administrator
  Vivid Media
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