As Barney said, it matters how you are using the variable. Don't worry about
cfset, cfloop, or ANY cf tag. Ask yourself - when I use this variable, do I
care if another request modifies it?

So, consider cfloop. Let's say you want to loop over and
display the results. Maybe it is possible that another page could modify Does it matter to you, while you print the values, if another
request modifies it? If not, then don't worry about cflock at all. (Unless
you are running CF5 of course.)

Does that help some?

Note - let's say you do want to lock, or you are using CF5. It may be easier
to copy the value before using it in the lock:

<cflock scope="session" type="readonly" timeout="10">
<cfset myname =>

<cfloop index="list" list="#myname#">
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