Yes. I'm using CF5.

On Fri, 11 Jun 2004 08:13:13 -0500, Raymond Camden wrote:

>As Barney said, it matters how you are using the variable. Don't worry about
>cfset, cfloop, or ANY cf tag. Ask yourself - when I use this variable, do I
>care if another request modifies it?
>So, consider cfloop. Let's say you want to loop over and
>display the results. Maybe it is possible that another page could modify
> Does it matter to you, while you print the values, if another
>request modifies it? If not, then don't worry about cflock at all. (Unless
>you are running CF5 of course.)
>Does that help some?
>Note - let's say you do want to lock, or you are using CF5. It may be easier
>to copy the value before using it in the lock:
><cflock scope="session" type="readonly" timeout="10">
> <cfset myname =>
><cfloop index="list" list="#myname#">
> whatever
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