Thanks George. I will check for the presentation. I have been reading up on
some JAVA based solutions but everything is always noted as "not safe for
running on an unattended server" leading me to believe that messing with
PPTs is not the best idea on a heavily used production box... Nonetheless I
will keep looking into things. Lets keep in touch, hopefully we can find


> Welcome to my world, Mike! I am saddled with somewhat the
> same problem. I managed to do some stunts with CF5 and make
> it work. Right now CFMX just plain doesn't like the same
> code. I do have some time before I have to change the code
> for CFMX. Anyway, have you seen anything with the Jintegra
> Java-COM bridge supplied with CFMX? That's one way of
> manipulating PowerPoint on the server.
> Also, Sam Neff had a Breeze presentation about MS Office and
> CFMX on his website. Just search the list archive for it.
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