>>So doing a DNS check will not help much in verifying an account

I just checked my list via dns using worldcast and about 10% failed, but many with messages about not having an IP they can reverse look-up, so useless.

To send a newsletter in a slower way with CF, use an email trickler (a page that reloads and cycles through a query). Matt Robertson has posted it before here and one on easy-cfm or whatever its called. Google for coldfusion and email trickler.

Kym, very helpful. Hard to know what emails are getting rejected for exactly what, or just tossed, so what do estimate the hourly threshhold is for big guys like AOL, Hotmail, etc? I have a list of 3000 subscribers and have been trickling it out at only 300/hour out of paranoia.

Also, do you think the presence of a localhost IP ("from for [ISP IP]" etc.) and the coldfusion name as the sending program in the header is a big spam filter problem?

One thing that annoys me is I send via my local IPS account with a reply-to for our domain, and a certain percentage of hosts rejects that as "no relaying". That's not relaying. Or maybe it's the localhost IP in there, not sure.
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