Use <cfset cflist = replace(cfList,',,',',$$,','ALL')> to replace two comas
next to each other with ,$$, or any other recognisable pattern that will not
occur in real situations (,NULL, for example).  This will change your list


And you can then process the replaced string later in your code depending on
what you are doing with the list.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chunshen (Don) Li [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 30 June 2004 15:27
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: The infamous LIST again!
> <cfset cfList = "a,b,,d">
> <cfloop index="e" list="#cfList#">
> <cfoutput>
>  #e#
> </cfoutput>
> </cfloop>
> Three out of the above FOUR list elements would be displayed.
> No, my application requires more complexity than the above
> example.  The point is, I need a "NO VALUE STRING" for the
> third element even if it's EMPTY instead of conveniently
> ignoring it.  An attempt to convert the list to an Array,
> <cfset cfList = "a,b,,d">
> <cfset anArray4List = ListToArray(cfList)>
> <cfset cnt = 0>
> for argument sake, use plain 4 items here <cfloop index="e"
> from=1 to=4> <cfset cnt = cnt + 1> <cfoutput>  
> #anArray4List[cnt]# </cfoutput> </cfloop>
> Failed to achieve what is intended.  It seems that the
> ListToArray function converts the 3 elements to an array.
> What's your way to circumvent this problem?
> TIA.
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