Thanks for the REG EXP solution, it seems more elegant than another one that I came up with.

><cfset cfList = REReplaceNoCase( cfList, ",[[:space:]]*,",NO VALUE
>STRING,", "ALL" ) />
>That should do the trick
>  _____  
>From: Chunshen (Don) Li [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: 30 June 2004 15:27
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: The infamous LIST again!
><cfset cfList = "a,b,,d">
><cfloop index="e" list="#cfList#">
>Three out of the above FOUR list elements would be displayed.
>No, my application requires more complexity than the above example.  The
>point is, I need a "NO VALUE STRING" for the third element even if it's
>EMPTY instead of conveniently ignoring it.  An attempt to convert the
>list to an Array,
><cfset cfList = "a,b,,d">
><cfset anArray4List = ListToArray(cfList)>
><cfset cnt = 0>
>for argument sake, use plain 4 items here
><cfloop index="e" from=1 to=4>
><cfset cnt = cnt + 1>
>Failed to achieve what is intended.  It seems that the ListToArray
>function converts the 3 elements to an array.
>What's your way to circumvent this problem?
>  _____
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