On Sun, 4 Jul 2004 23:58:13 +1000, Michael Kear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Kay,    it's amazing how frequently our paths cross on the net.
Yeah, that means we must both be MAJOR nerds :)

> I've looked at XStandard one, and it uses an ACTIVEX control which means it
> will fail to work when WinXPPro SP2 comes out in a few weeks, just like all
> flash will fail.  All ActiveX controls will fail unless they are from
> Microsoft, as I understand it,  or have I got the wrong idea with that?

I don't think that's true... I am running SP2 RC1 on my TabletPC (it
adds some really must-have handwriting recognition enhancements), and
Flash is working fine. I don't use IE generally, but I just fired it
up, reset all IE settings to their default (a nifty feature that SP2
adds to the Tools menu) and browsed to a couple of sites that use
Flash, including macromedia.com, and everything worked fine. Maybe if
I didn't have the latest version of Flash installed already, but I
don't really know. If you're worried, you should probably download and
install the RC2 - I've got it in a Virtual PC virtual machine at work,
but haven't had time to play with it much yet.


Kay Smoljak
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