> And Massimo Foti's WYSIWYG at cfmentor.com is by far the most promising.
> runs as a coldfusion custom tag, (or cfmodule if you prefer) but it only
> works on IE6+.   If you have mozilla users or netscape users you're
> And it would be good to be able to offer a choice of styles from the
> style sheet instead of giving them the raw styling commands. Instead of
> Bold, Underline, Italics etc, I'd like to have a drop down that lets me
> the styles as in the style sheet (i.e. "headline", "byline", "story body",
> "story teaser" etc)    But within those limitations, I guess it qualifies
> Kay, so I have to change my statement to "I have a list of one".
I have a more advanced version that support custom CSS classes and image
upload. Write me directly if you would like to receive a copy.

BTW While my editor does a pretty good job removing MS Word's garbage from
pasted text, it's still not 100% perfect as far XHTML code goes, depending
on the situation it may output tags that aren't nested properly.

I was planning to fix this, add Mozilla support and more, but since
Fckeditor and HTMLarea are free, powerful and very sophisticated, I don't
think it make sense to invest more time on this. Instead I could simply
customize Fckeditor or HTMLarea to suit my needs. Right now I am waiting to
see Fckeditor's next release before making a final choice.

Massimo Foti
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