Guy Rish wrote:
> ...shades of vi vs. emacs...

IDE wars are always fun, aren't they?

Guy, you get nothing but agreement from me - white flags between CFE &
He3 please (mainly CFE people though). Inevitable that we're gonna
clash, but the truth is in the product not the posts. Those that have
ranted on CFE's side, why not write more code? It must've taken a while
to write the posts. How many lines of code could you have done?...

As CFE Project Leader I recommend that any user try JEdit, Homesite,
Dreamweaver, Notepad, CFE, He3, etc. Play around, use what you like. If
conveniently you like CFE that's cool, if not, that is also cool (though
we'd love to know _why_ you don't like it).

To mention what I use, for projects I use CFEclipse (becuase I help
write it), Textpad for random files, Notepad on Windows remote servers
and emacs on *nix remote servers. Btw, I have to admit that PrimalScript
was quite cool until the eval period ran out :D Btw, cheers to Dave for
the mention of Notepad2 - I suspect it will be appearing on all of my
Windows servers!

To quote a popular UK TV comedy sketch program from a while ago "calm
down now, calm down".

  Oliver Tupman
  CFEclipse Project Leader
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