On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 15:53:49 -0400, Debbie Dickerson
> Check out the new TechNote at:
> http://www.macromedia.com/support/coldfusion/ts/documents/removeonexception_
> error.htm
> <http://www.macromedia.com/support/coldfusion/ts/documents/removeonexception
> _error.htm>
> Intro:
> Occasionally RemoveOnException errors may appear in the ColdFusion logs,
> masking a real database issue. RemoveOnException is a data source level
> setting used to determine whether to throw away broken data source
> connection from the JDBC pool.


Who can I get in touch with to get more information about this
particular TechNote? Specifically, I have these questions:

1) This problem never occurred until the Red Sky release, which is why
all our production sites continue to use the 6.0 Updater 3+ drivers
(connecting to an Oracle 8.1.7 database) even though we're using MX

2) The TechNote refers to "Occasionally" whereas we only see it when
we run a page that has a cftransaction on it. Have your engineers been
able to replicate this in other areas? "Occasionally" is an awfully
vague description of the frequency.

3) Another workaround would be to have the 6.0 Updater 3+ drivers
available for download again. The clearing of the Maintain Connectons
box is a ridiculous workaround, as it introduces a lot of additional
overhead (CF has to re-instantiate a connection to the DB on every
request). As I said before, we do not see this issue on the U3+
drivers, only with the version released with the 6.1 updater.

4) Will there be a fix for this in the drivers that will be bundled in
the 6.1 Service Pack slated for the fall?

If you can't answer these questions, any guidance as to who to contact
is appreciated.

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