We don't use stored procs extensively. We're moving towards using them more,
but they're certainly not the norm.

I don't actually see the server logs, but that's what we were told would
clear up the strange db-related errors and that's what we did. I'm
_assuming_ that it did clear it up, as I haven't heard complaints from the
server admins since we did that.

Of course, it could have been a different strange db-related error that was
showing up in the server logs...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Carabetta" Sent:
> That cleared it up for you? We don't use usernames/passwords for our
> datasources anywhere *but* the Administrator and still have the
> cftransaction problems. Then again, I inherited an environment where
> nothing is in stored procs, and I believe you've mentioned in the past
> that you use them extensively, so that might be the difference.
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