On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 15:39:35 -0500, Deanna Schneider
> Dave,
> Good questions. We see the similar problmes here. It's ironic that I keep
> hearing how the 3.1 drivers were tested up the wazoo, but it only took a few
> minutes of using them on our configuration (with Oracle 8.1.7) for our
> server to come to a screeching halt.
> The other workaround to the errors showing up with cftransaction is to use
> usernames and passwords in the cfadministrator instead of in the cfqueries.
> That fixed it for those apps that couldn't move all transactional logic to
> stored procs.

That cleared it up for you? We don't use usernames/passwords for our
datasources anywhere *but* the Administrator and still have the
cftransaction problems. Then again, I inherited an environment where
nothing is in stored procs, and I believe you've mentioned in the past
that you use them extensively, so that might be the difference.

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