> > Anyone know of a god network firewall system?
> What features do you need? Statefull I presume, so how big
> should the state table be? Throughput in pps? SYN-proxy?
> Payload inspection? Redundancy/fail-over? Clickety-click or CLI?
> SSL-offloading? VPN-server? etc.

Jochem's asking all the right questions, as usual, but if you're interested
in seeing how firewalls work, and don't mind building your own, you might
look at one of the many Linux firewall distributions available, like
Smoothwall. These can be perfectly suitable for many uses, and are kind of
fun to play with as well.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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