Yes and no. The tag does not change the source code, only how it's
expressed to the browser (i.e. the end result html, not the original
cfm page). It's a module that wraps a page and compresses it. Normal,
well formatted html in and tight one line html out for the browser (or
search agent) to read. You'll have to take the tag out or uncompress
the html to debug it, but you'd only use the tag on finished code


   ----- Original Message -----
   From: Michael Dinowitz
   To: CF-Talk
   Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2004 11:10 PM
   Subject: (OT?) White space and search engines

   I'm giving a presentation on RegEx this Wed. and one of the things
   I'll be showing is a tight little piece of code that will compress a
   webpage by removing all 'extra' spaces (and tabs, new lines, etc.)
   from all places other than script and pre tags. I'm under the
   impression that if this is done, it will make the page smaller and
   also increase the pages search engine position as it makes the entire
   page exist on one line (more if script or pre is used).
   Can anyone back this impression up with real data?

   p.s. Yes, the tag will be publicly released as an article in FA and on
   the front of HoF as soon as the user group presentation is over.

   Michael Dinowitz
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