Two possibilities:

1. Doesn't CF throw a timeout/abort error if the page is cancelled before
it's finished?
2. (Sneaky one this) use the 'web bug' idea - add an <IMG> tag at the end of
the source, after the roster info with the SRC pointing to a CF script that
logs the request and returns an invisible 1x1 gif. No client side scripting
or frames to worry about, your only problem would be people turning off
images in the browser.

Paul Wakefield

Hofstadter's Law - It always takes longer than you think, even if you take
into account Hofstadter's Law.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael O Reilly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 10:42 AM
> Subject: Slightly OT - Detecting that a page has completed.
> Hi all,
> I have been given a problem which I'm not sure is solvable.
> We are to publish staff rosters on the Web and want to know 
> if staff have
> been notified of/looked at their roster.
> I have said that although we can detect that the user has 
> requested a page,
> it's impossible to know if the whole page arrived at the 
> browser (people are
> connecting in from all over the world on some very dodgy 
> telco systems so
> connection speeds can be assumed to be poor). Am I correct here.
> I know I could put a JS onload event into the <body> tag 
> which submits some
> info back to the server. But can I put anything at the end of 
> the page which
> would do the same.
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