In the pre-mx work you could do this by passing the template to the CF
Executable (something like "cfserver.exe /myTemplate.cfm", but I forget the
exact syntax).  And you're right - it was very useful.  ;^)

In the MX world things aren't that simple.  You can't just call a template
from the command line like you used to.  However you can still call CF
Templates via the web server (as always) - and there's a few tools that let
you do this from the command line.  "WGet" is one that works well but there
are others.

In essence all they are are little HTTP clients - little "browsers" if you
like that can make an HTTP request but basically ignore the results (they
dump the results, but don't do anything with any of the content or most of
the HTTP headers).

It's not as neat, but it does work.

Jim Davis
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