On Aug 7, 2004, at 10:43 PM, Jim Davis wrote:

> I've had conversations about this kind of stuff with Mike Nimer in the
> past.
>  It's one of those things that people either really want or just see
> no need
>  for at all.
>  One thing I would REALLY LOVE is the ability to call CF from Windows
>  Scripting Host.  I hope somebody smarter than I will take the
> initiative and
>  wrap the calls you mention into a nice little COM or NET wrapper so
> that I
>  can script server events via WSH and _javascript_.  ;^)

I am not familiar with WSH, but it appears to be roughly comparable to
OSAScript  on the Mac.

  OSAScript is usually equated with Applescript.

I don't particularly care for AppleScript's syntax, but there is a
3rd-party sift that allows you to script in _javascript_ syntax as well
as Applescript.

It would be very useful to be able to invoke CF templates in this way

>  Jim Davis
>  From: Sean Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Sent: Sunday, August 08, 2004 12:18 AM
>  To: CF-Talk
>  Subject: Re: Is this possible with CFMX or BD?
>  Blackstone provides an event gateway that lets you call CFC methods in
>  a variety of new ways. I believe that it would be very simple to
>  provide a small Java application that let you invoke CFC methods from
>  the command line (which could then invoke any CFM pages via
>  <cfinclude> or <cfmodule>).
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