I have a sort of off-topic question for you guys concerning hosting
set-ups.  We have about 89 domains that we are currently hosting at XO
communications for cheap cheap money.  All of them are static sites - html
only - we do our CF hosting elsewhere (I'll leave 'who' up to your
imaginations to avoid 'my host is better than yours'
conversations).  Recently, XO decided that they are going to start charging
us an arm and a leg for our hosting, yet still keep the same crappy
customer service and questionable uptime.  So, we have started to look
elsewhere for hosting options.  The cheapest option given to us from most
hosting companies is using one IP address and having all sites reside under
the one IP using IIS redirects (I guess, I'm not an IIS guy).  We are used
to having one IP per domain at XO...

My boss is totally against going this route, but has no reason to do
so.  What I want to know is why would this matter?  Search Engines, etc
don't care what our IP address is, right?  Are there any real reasons that
we should have a separate IP for every account, even if we were to bundle
all of our CF accounts into one host?  The hosting companies are reputable
large (not cheap or crappy service) companies, so those things are not an
issue, we have already weeded out the dregs...

Thanks for the insights!


Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
CrystalVision Web Site Design and Internet Services

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