What Doug said.  

Plus, if you want IP's you can have them cheap if you know where to
go.  Cybercon has hosted me for 2-3 years and they give you 32 IP's
free with each server.  I also have another block of 64 IPs that I
pay... $10 per month for.  Thats all 64 IPs for ten bucks, not each.
The only catch is they won't give you any more unless you can prove
80% usage of what you've got.  Fair enough.

imho there's no need for a dedicated IP unless you need secure (https)
connections.  With straight http you can do up a host header on a
shared IP in a second with no detriment I'm aware of, other than the
reverse DNS for the web site will not resolve back to the individual
domain (a cosmetic issue?  Anyone?).

If you need https connections the story changes completely.  You can
do it with a shared IP and shared secure certificate but I wouldn't
bother, especially given the cost of certs these days.  Put those
sites on dedicated IPs and use individual secure certs.

It will definitely be a whole new profit center, but managing a server
will take some investment in knowledge.  Definitely a skill set you
should have as a developer.  Your understanding of the business will
go way up once you start running your own boxes.

--Matt Robertson--
MSB Designs, Inc.
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