Yea, I forgot to mention that is the way that we are heading - towards a
managed dedicated server, not a shared one like we are right now.  Your
advice was exactly what I was thinking.  I was just looking for any snags
that I might not have thought of regarding the multiple IP/single IP situation.



At 04:20 PM 8/10/2004, you wrote:
>For that many static domains - I would suggest you go to a managed or co-lo
>server.  All of them could well be handled on a single IP number and set up as
>virtual domains, much as shared hosting is done with many, if not most hosting
>Secondly, unless they are (The static sites) are unusually high traffic sites,
>you could also place your CF sites on the same server as well.  All this for
>around $200 or so monthly.  This could be an additional profit center as well
>for your company.
>One big advantage other than having one place to do your updates, you
>would have
>remote desktop access to the servers, database, mail, etc.  Complete admin
>freedom is very useful.
>Our Anti-spam solution works!!
>For hosting solutions
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Ray Champagne
>   To: CF-Talk
>   Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 2:59 PM
>   Subject: SOT: many IPS or one?
>   I have a sort of off-topic question for you guys concerning hosting
>   set-ups.  We have about 89 domains that we are currently hosting at XO
>   communications for cheap cheap money.  All of them are static sites - html
>   only - we do our CF hosting elsewhere (I'll leave 'who' up to your
>   imaginations to avoid 'my host is better than yours'
>   conversations).  Recently, XO decided that they are going to start charging
>   us an arm and a leg for our hosting, yet still keep the same crappy
>   customer service and questionable uptime.  So, we have started to look
>   elsewhere for hosting options.  The cheapest option given to us from most
>   hosting companies is using one IP address and having all sites reside under
>   the one IP using IIS redirects (I guess, I'm not an IIS guy).  We are used
>   to having one IP per domain at XO...
>   My boss is totally against going this route, but has no reason to do
>   so.  What I want to know is why would this matter?  Search Engines, etc
>   don't care what our IP address is, right?  Are there any real reasons that
>   we should have a separate IP for every account, even if we were to bundle
>   all of our CF accounts into one host?  The hosting companies are reputable
>   large (not cheap or crappy service) companies, so those things are not an
>   issue, we have already weeded out the dregs...
>   Thanks for the insights!
>   Ray
>   =============================================
>   Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
>   CrystalVision Web Site Design and Internet Services
>   603.433.9559
>   =============================================
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