Following Chris's great response, I would add, search capability would be nice as well, sometimes people may just like me (half blind :),
"search" feature offers a way to "cure" that deficiency to some degree.

Also, if your company is thinking about automating FORM process (I'm sure the company has quite a lot of forms), please contact me at donli att hegelsoftware dott com, I've built and deployed a FORM work flow process application quite successfully.


Don Li

>On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 11:32:47 -0500, Donna French
>> My question for all of you is what other functionality do you have built
>> into your intranet that I might implement here to make our company more
>> efficient?
>Think of an Intranet as the central means of communication for all
>your staff and the central repository for all things that need to be
>communicated. These that this may include are:
>* training materials
>* memos
>* assouncements
>* etc
>In addition, any forms that people may need to fill out can be placed
>on an Intranet. These may include:
>* change of personal information
>* vacation requests
>* time sheets
>* etc...
>Really, what goes on your intranet is up to your imagination and the
>needs of your business.
>chris johnston
>"For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals and
>something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination, we
>learned to talk."
>Pink Floyd
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