----- Original Message -----
From: "Les Mizzell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2004 8:26 PM
Subject: Re: Photo Album Modification

>> BTW, I'd reconsider moving to using directory listings.  With querying
>> a
>> database, you can have a lot more control over what (and how) photos
>> are
>> displayed.
> Not to mention that you can add descriptive text to go with each one and
> sorting options if you use a database...
> Which brings up an interesting question - I'd like to be able to define
> a sort order for x number of records through an admin page, which would
> not be alpha or id based - in other words, define a totally arbitrary
> order.
> What's the best method of doing this? For small recordsets (20 or so) I
> see no problem just listing all the records with a "sort order" field.
> Fill in the field and update all the records. However, with large
> recordsets, what's a good way to handle this.

How large is large?  I've seen some nice _javascript_ sorting interfaces
that simply let you select and move items up and down through a list
that's usually displayed in a select field.  Works well up to a point.
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