Isn't this actually just using the target="_blank" attribute though? All
you've done here, as I see it, is to not use the target attribute in the
tag, but use your _javascript_ to add the target attribute to the tag. Now
I haven't really gotten into xhtml compliance, but I don't understand
the logic here? Why not go ahead and use target="_blank" in your code,
if you're going to use a js to put it there anyway????



Yes, you can open in a new window with XHTML, just not using the
target="_blank" attribute which is wicked and nasty in XHTML and will
you banished from the kingdom.  Do not pass go and do not collect $200.

I open external links usually in a new window, and while you can't use
target attribute, you can do it another way that's valid XHTML1.0
but it uses a tiny amount of _javascript_.  

To open in a new window using XHTML make your links like this:

<.a href="" rel="external">Macromedia</a>

And you have a tiny piece of _javascript_ that you can have as an external
file referred to in the header (I call mine 'external.js'):

function externalLinks() {
if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return;
var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
for (var i=0; i<anchors.length; i++) {
   var anchor = anchors[i];
   if (anchor.getAttribute("href") &&
       anchor.getAttribute("rel") == "external") = "_blank";
window.> [/code]

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks
.com,.net,.org domains from AUD$20/Year
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