On Fri, 03 Sep 2004 18:01:25 +0200, Jochem van Dieten
> Russ wrote:
> > I did read the docs. The docs state:
> >
> > encoded  Optional Yes
> >
> > Applies to FormField and CGI types; ignored for all other types. Specifies
> > whether to URLEncode the form field or header.
> >
> > I am using it on a cookie type.
> IIRC you can use the CGI type to send cookies as well:
> <cfhttpparam  type="cgi" name="Cookie" value="cfid=123456"
> encoded="No">

Jochem's correct, as usual. I just re-checked our code (we wrote it a
long time ago), and that is, in fact, how we pass the values.

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