> I’m reposting this message.  I am trying to set up my first web service.  Of the
three servers I work with, this only works on one of them.  The other two throw the
error reported in my original message.  As best as I can tell, this error is due to
some configuration problem in the jrun under ColdFusion, but I can not figure out
what.  Can anybody provide any insight in this?
> Ian
> -----Original Message-----
> Ok, I created this super simple "hello world" web service cfc, put it on my web
server and tried to access the wsdl.  I get an "AXIS error".  What am I missing here?
> <url>
> http://www.bloodsource.org/xml_test.cfc?wsdl
> </url>

I'm getting File not found when accesing the url. Can you verify that you can access
this link (make a cfhttp call and save the content into a file) ?

<mack />
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