assuming you have this, I'd order teh content by courseid.  Then use
the group attribute of cfoutput to loop thgough all these descriptions
outputing them.  This will basically do


format as desired


----- Original Message -----
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2004 14:43:59 -0500
Subject: Re: best approach - appending fields in recordset

So, if you've got 10 description entries that all go together somehow
to form the overall description for one course, how do you know in
which order they are supposed to go? Which sentence comes first,
second, etc?

Wouldn't you need some sort of ordering field to do this on the
description table?
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Lawrence Ng
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 2:36 PM
  Subject: Re: best approach - appending fields in recordset

  the description field is on a separate table. the problem is that field
  type which is only char type not ntext/memo which would make it easier
  to order them properly.

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