
I believe, but I might be wrong, that it simply changes the HTTP
Header to make the returned CF page appear to be an attached file
instead of a HTML page and then pipes the files to the browser a
binary object. I don't believe any temporary file is returned, but
neither is the actually location of the file.


----- Original Message -----
From: Steven Wojciechowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 21:39:04 +0100

I'm looking to use CFCONTENT to provide the various files on my
website as I am finding hotlinking a bit of a problem at the moment
and want to stop it.

I'm hosting on a Windows 2000 Server with IIS5 and CFMX (6.1) and plan
on using CFCONTENT to check the referring page to make sure it came
from my own site, the implementation of the code is not a problem, I
know how I'm going to do that, however my questions concerns how the
CFCONTENT tag actually works at a low level.
The files I have on my site vary from 0.5MB to 20 or 30MB so I want to
be able to estimate what kind of extra overhead I will create when I
have 20 to 30 files being downloaded at any one time.

Can anyone explain how the tag works?
Does the tag create a temp file and tell IIS to return that file?
(creating more drive access overhead and longer CF execution time)
is the data to be returned piped to IIS instead? (creating memory
usage overhead and longer CF execution time)
or, does CF point IIS to the file that I want returned? (which should
be the same resource wise as just directly linking to the file in the
first place)

Any help on this would be very useful.

I had looked at Apache as an option for the server to use the
.htaccess files to prevent hotlinking, however the server also needs
to run several ASP applications which I've had difficulty getting
going under Apache.
Of course if anyone knows of another way to prevent hotlinking, I
would be grateful to hear it :)

thanks in advance,
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